Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Fading memories of Summer...

Today greeted SoCal with classic fall conditions
and the last hints of summer south swells...
Lulu scored a bunch of fun waves and
pushed her small wave approach.

Thursday, November 5, 2009

When its small and clean...

...paddle your log out and work on your noseriding.
A mini mysto south made for some really fun waves this morning!

Tons of empty ones reeled off with no takers.

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Brrrrrrr! Winter is on its way!

What a difference a day makes...
two days prior to this session the water/air - 68/75 at sunset.
This pre-sunrise surf practice was water/air - 48/58.
Lulu is stoked to nab a few waves before the day begins!