Sunday, October 3, 2010

Putting it on a Rail!

Lulu putting on a rail at Lowers last month.
Her first session on her new Rusty Redline Custom.
Needless to say she likes her new board.
Photos THX to Sheri Crummer.

Thursday, September 30, 2010

Back in the saddle again...

Dana Hills HS Surf Team is back on... 
The last couple weeks have been fun...
Lulu has been enjoying her Rusty Dozer!

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Summer Fun 2

More Summer Fun on her new Rusty Custom Redline...
Now if the ocean temp would warm up it would feel like summer!

Monday, August 23, 2010

Summer fun

Summer fun at really small Salt Creek on her new Rusty Dozer!
With special THX and LOVE to Machi for helping out
with the boards and the GoPro Cam!

Monday, June 28, 2010

Final Snap of the 2010 SA Champs

Lulu took an early exit out of the Surfing America Champs today.
Highlights were solid turns like this.
Looking forward to a lot of surf this summer and next season!

Saturday, June 19, 2010

Summer is here... Lowers is calling.

Lulu's favorite wave in California, Lower Trestles has been breaking for a good couple months now. But with the water warm and light winds this evening last week was special session. NSSA Nationals was happening at Salt Creek so all the ripper kids were tuning up there... Lowers was empty and perfect... the last 1/2 hour before dark Lulu had the outside peak to herself... that only happens a couple times per year.

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Above the Lip

Lulu has been pushing her surfing to the next level for the last few months.
Snaps like this are happening every session now...
The next few months are going to get interesting!

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Flash back - Hawaiian Punch

Lulu from last Nov in Hawaii on the North Shore...
Here are a few shots from sessions at Sunset and Vland...
Looking forward to next winter over there...

Monday, May 17, 2010

2010 WSA West Coast Champ

Lulu stomped a huge exclamation point on her
Girls U18 shortboard season with another victory.
In a heat on Sunday she combo the entire field
with a 17+ point heat score.
She is training hard to keep the momentum for the Nationals!
Huge THX to all her supporters!

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Prime Snaps

Here are a couple snaps in the finals of the last 2 Surfing America Prime events.

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Happy Belated Valentines Day!!!

Lulu has been surfing a ton with her friends.
Chris Grant at JG caught her on V-Day practicing at Uppers
for the Surfing America Prime Event.
She placed 4th in the event.

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

A Room with a View but No Door to Exit.

Lulu put the Pedal to the Metal this morning.
No exit but A+ for effort... 
One of these dayz she is going to drive one and come flying out!
Her new Rusty board is perfect and helping her push her limits. 

Sunday, February 7, 2010

SuperBowl Sunday Surf Session

Sunday dawned with clear skies but messy surf was the only thing on tap.
Lulu scored a couple good ones. Here putting her tail into a frothy one. 

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Fresh New board - Just add waves!

Lulu put her new Rusty through the paces this morning...
The crowd was thick and the waves were tiny...
However, early reports on the board is it could be a Magic one...
Big THX to Tim W. for the pictures!

Monday, January 25, 2010

Full Steam @ Steamer Lane

Lulu had a great trip to Santa Cruz for
the Surfing America Prime contest.
She made both 18U and 16U finals.
Crushing her semi-finals heats she took out
a couple Surfing America team members,
however she ran out of steam for her finals,
taking 4th in each division.

The highlight of her trip was a 5+ hour
warm-up session on Friday before the event.
Solid 8 foot plus sets were pouring
through the lane and she was charging.


Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Rain, Rain Go Away... Remembering Sunny Dayz!

SoCal is soaked and the sun hasn't been out for a couple days...
Remembering Summer's Sunny Dayz!

Sunday, January 10, 2010

BACKside to the Future!

Lulu surfed a ton over winter break
charging hard and working on her backside surfing.
Here are a few from a couple different sessions.
SA Prime at Steamers Lane is coming toward
the end of the month, she is aiming to win it.
Early mornings have never felt better because
of a new 4/3 fullsuit courtesy Hotline.