Thursday, December 15, 2011


Light crowd with an amazing Light Show!

Sunday, December 11, 2011

Stomped It!

Lulu has been working on the "mechanics" of good surfing.
Confidence is first...
Speed is second...
Stomping it is third!

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

BITD Flashback... DHHS longboard girls 1st, 2nd, 3rd

The above picture is just over 3 years ago...
but seems like a lifetime ago! 
Now, the top 3 pictured here are team mates on
the Dana Hills High School surf team.
They just swept the Newport Beach HS
girls longboard team in yesterday's comp.

Go, DHHS Girls. Go!

Thursday, December 1, 2011

Stomped IT!

Lulu has been working on getting above the lip.
This air is far from BIG,
but it is the foundation of above the lip surfing.
She was flying down the line and could have
easily dodged this critical section,
however she stomped her first grabrail F/S air.

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Surfline Gives Lulu some Love!

Lulu scored some great waves on Saturday coming up just short in the final to take second place and secure a second place rating for the Surfing America Prime 18U season. In her quarter final heat she dropped an 8.5 and a 7.9 which combo the field, she threw away a 6.5 and a 4 which would have won the heat. Next stop Salt Creek... hopefully local knowledge will be on her side and she will get a win.

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Winner Winner VQS Chicken Dinner!

Lulu won the first VQS of the season
the  Volcom Stone's
Starfish Surf Series - Huntington Beach Pier!
Check this wrap up video... she gets some good clips.

She was super stoked to start the season with a Win!
Of course all the great prizes makes it fun.