Saturday, June 19, 2010

Summer is here... Lowers is calling.

Lulu's favorite wave in California, Lower Trestles has been breaking for a good couple months now. But with the water warm and light winds this evening last week was special session. NSSA Nationals was happening at Salt Creek so all the ripper kids were tuning up there... Lowers was empty and perfect... the last 1/2 hour before dark Lulu had the outside peak to herself... that only happens a couple times per year.

1 comment:

  1. YEA LU!!!!!!! YEW YEWY YEW!!!!!!!!!! gotta love those nice peaceful lowers dayz. Usually all the fuckin shoulder bunnies or the donkies droppin in ruin the sesh. Stoked to see you surfing the lowers i grew up to love!!!!!! Keep at girl, you got this. Reminded me of Stephie Gilmore on those power turns
